Are you considering a student job?

Why get a student job?

Getting a student job is something most people consider during their studies. A student job is for those who want to work alongside their secondary or higher education. It is a part-time position, as your studies will be your primary occupation.

There are various reasons why people choose to get a student job. For some, it’s about giving their SU finances an extra boost and creating a bit more financial breathing space. Others see the student job as a source of relevant work experience that can enhance their job prospects after completing their studies. It may also be that you want a student job to increase your chances of being accepted into a sought-after program where work experience can play a crucial role.

Regardless of your reasons for seeking a student job, it can bring many advantages. It can help strengthen your finances, provide valuable work experience, and open doors to future career opportunities.

How much can you earn while receiving SU?

It is important to understand what your maximum income can be if you want to keep your SU benefits. Your earnings limit depends on whether you are pursuing a youth or higher education.

Youth education: You can earn a maximum of DKK 13,573 per month before tax if you are in a youth education program.

Higher education: If you are studying in higher education, you can earn a maximum of DKK 18,412 per month before tax.

What are the benefits of having a part-time job as a student?

Having a relevant student job can have a significant impact on your future career. Firstly, it can open doors after completing your studies, which is a considerable advantage if you want to quickly and successfully enter the workforce. Studies show that students who have had a relevant student job are more likely to find employment after their education than those who haven’t.

Even if you can’t find a student job directly related to your field of study, it can still provide you with knowledge and skills that you can take with you into the job market. You gain insight into the business world, learn how to act in a workplace, and have the opportunity to expand your network and form new connections. Additionally, a student job can help you discover your true passion.

How do I find my student job?
Use your network
CV and application

Student job Copenhagen

Looking for a student job in Copenhagen can be a challenge since there is often high competition for attractive positions. Here are some useful tips that may help you on your way.

Become a temp while studying

´Balancing study and work can be challenging. If you want a flexible job alongside your studies, being a temp might be right for you. As a temp, you have the option to choose when and how much you want to work. This flexibility makes it easy to manage the job as a temp alongside your studies. A temp position can also allow you to explore different industries if you’re unsure about your future career path.

You can always sign up in our database if you want to become a temp with us.

Mobility Service News

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