How to prepare for your upcoming job interview

Does preparing for a job interview really make a difference?

Absolutely! When you receive that exciting invitation for a job interview, start by celebrating – maybe even give yourself a high five and a pat on the back. But then, it’s time to prepare.

Are you unsure about how to approach the preparations? Fear not, we have gathered our best advice for you so you can get ready for your upcoming job interview.

CV and application

First and foremost, it’s important that you are completely sharp in your own CV and your application. Review both parts and also come up with some specific examples that support what you have written. For instance, if you’ve mentioned in your application that you are results-oriented, consider how this has been reflected in your career so far. Here, you can use questions such as “What goals have I achieved?” and “How did I work towards the goal?”.

Research the company

Familiarize yourself with the specific company you’ve been called for an interview with and find out what’s happening in the industry the company belongs to. This way, you show that you are engaged and proactive. The company’s website is always a good place to start, as there is often a lot of information to be found. You should also check out the company’s various social media profiles and potentially start following them so that you stay updated with the latest information. Moreover, Google is always your friend if you want to try to find articles written about companies in recent times.

If you’re lucky enough to already know someone in the company or industry, make sure to reach out to them before your job interview. This often gives you a much better insight than what you can read online.

Prepare a good elevator speech

The job interview often starts with the question “Tell me about yourself?”. Therefore, as an essential part of your job interview preparation, you should have a short and concise elevator speech ready, consisting of a presentation of yourself and your professional competencies. The presentation should be ultra-short – preferably under a minute – so that you could potentially introduce yourself to your future boss in the elevator from the foyer to the top floor.

In the speech, focus on what you can bring to the table. Your starting point should be “What’s in it for them?” rather than “What’s in it for me?”.

Job interview questions - What can you expect?

Just as you prepare for possible questions that might be asked at the job interview, you should also prepare some good interview questions that you can ask the other way around. The interviewer will appreciate your interest in the company and the position.

Typical job interview questions might include:
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