Dishwasher – Vesterbro

Become part of our team

At Mobility Service, we are always looking for new employees who are ready to help our clients keep their businesses running smoothly. You’ll be part of a strong team with a great focus on trust, openness, and good communication.

About the job

We are looking for an energetic and reliable employee to take on the role of Dishwasher for one of our clients. Experience is not a requirement, as you will receive thorough training.

Want to know more?

You are always welcome to contact us at +45 71 99 54 51 if you have questions about the job or want to know more.

We look forward to hearing from you and will be scheduling interviews on an ongoing basis.

Possible work hours

Morning: 08:00 - 16:00

Evening: 16:00 - 24:00


135 kr. per hour




Står du over for en akut mangel på arbejdskraft? Vores vikarservice er her for at hjælpe. Med en bred pool af dygtige og erfarne medarbejdere, kan vi sikre en hurtig og effektiv løsning, så du kan fokusere på din virksomheds fremdrift.


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